
Bihar is one of the most illiterate states in India (61.80%), consistently underperforming against the national average (74%). The national averages for Scheduled Castes are even lower (54.69%), while among the Musahar community, the literacy rate is as low as 6.88%. In the villages of Bihar in general, there is absenteeism in schools due to the migratory lifestyle in the agricultural communities. Govt. underfunded programs are being run haphazardly by unqualified volunteer teachers. There are particular gaps in the education of children between the ages of 3 and 6. Anganwadis are barely able to handle all the responsibilities as outlined by the ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) and there is a lack of middle and high schools to cater to the demands of education of the poor children. JAN is supported by India Literacy Project (ILP), USA since 2013 for promoting “Community Institutions” for ensuring schooling and establishing dropout-free panchayats in 41 villages of 5-GPs namely Indaut, Bara, Kapsiyawan, Kamta, and Kawa of Hilsa block in Nalanda district in Bihar. A total of 21 Anganwadi Kendra, 18 Primary Schools, 19 Middle Schools, and 02 High Schools were covered under the program. Musahar community literacy rate is as low as 6.88%.

Achievements: – More than 3000 non-school going and school dropout children enrolled in schools. Special attention is given to Dalit children to attend schools with the support and participation of the local community.  SMCs get activated in 35 Schools SMC Meetings are held in the schools every month and meeting minutes are kept in the schools.  100% of primary school children’s enrolment has been done in the middle schools. Para teachers in 11 schools and 30 Vidya Sathi are operational in the project area. With the effort of Para Teachers and Vidya Sathi, 1625 students have imparted education. As a result, the learning level of students has considerably improved and the ratio of child marriage and child labour has decreased.