Promoting Girls Education

Joint Action Network (JAN)   is working at the grassroots level in 50 villages of Hilsa block of Nalanda district of Bihar state for the last 8 years for girl education and to remove gender based discrimination with them.  The society of Bihar was a male dominated society. People did not pay attention to the education of girls and their personality development, the birth of a daughter was not celebrated. And nutrition and education are ignored. She was married off at a young age. There was also a difference in the daily wages of men and women. Despite doing the same work, women were paid less wages than men. Girls had very little freedom to play and study. Somehow people were able to educate girls in the village school only up to the primary level. But due to the efforts of the people, education was promoted in the locality of the deprived group, by forming a special meeting organization of women, the work of connecting girls with the mainstream of education was done. Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao campaigns were launched and prepared by training women leaders. As a result, 60% of girls were included in the mainstream of education by getting them free from child marriage and child marriage. In order that girls are not deprived of school or education, awareness work was done at the Panchayat representative, social worker and community level to not kill the female foetus. Now people have started giving equal status to the daughter and are paying attention to her education and nutrition, there is a need to work continuously for the daughter to get quality education, there are still many barriers at the social level.

Achievements:  • More than 687 school droup out girls   of Dalit and Musahar Community have successfully joined the educational process with the support of village level education center.


• 220 droupout girls received training in tailoring skills and 220 young girls and women got aware on their rights and entitlements. 

• More than 1050 adolescents are aware on health and hygiene issues.

• 80% Girls are now aware of higher education.

• Ratio of child marriage and child labour has decreased in our project area.

• Attendance of girl children has increased in government schools.